TRYOUT DATE CHANGE! Due to factors outside of Cosmos control, the Regional Advisory Committee for Region 7 (Central and South Valley) have decided to move the tryout window for ALL clubs to begin February 16th. With so many local teams involved in State Cup play the weekend of February 14th, it has been decided that […]
Supernovas and Astros Successful
The U14G Supernovas and the U11B Astros both went to the Coppa D’oro this weekend and placed. The Supernovas finished joint first on points but lost the tie breaker on goal difference. The Astros lost a close game to the eventual champions 1-0 before winning the consolation game. Well Done!!
Cosmos Represented on State ODP
We would like to congratulate Cooper Wenzel and Miguel Diaz, both from the U13B team, for making the State pool for ODP!
Stars and Galaxy Impress at State Cup!
U10B Galaxy finished 2nd in their state cup bracket and U11G Stars progressed to the semi final round in their bracket this weekend. The Stars will play their semi final game the weekend of December 6th. Congratulations to both teams on a well deserved, successful end to their season, and good luck to the stars […]
Successful Weekend for Cosmos!
A number of Cosmos teams participated in tournaments the weekend of October 25-26. Our congratulations go to CenCal Cosmos Galaxy who won the San Ramon tournament, and CenCal Cosmos 2015 who were victorious at Placer. Great job to them and all the other teams who competed this weekend!!
Player Resource Section Added
Located under the Parent/Player Information dropdown, Player Resources includes information for players and parents on such things as nutrition, conditioning, injury prevention and recruiting. There is also a section highlighting individual drills a player can do to develop specific areas of their game.
Cosmos Award Winners U9 & U10!
Congratulations to Ava Fortier (Comets), Sam Gevorgyan and Trey Cardozo (Gravity), Alexis Lopez (Atmosphere, not pictured) and Edward Valdez (Galaxy). These winners exemplified the discipline, commitment and determination to improve, that Cosmos stands for. Across the board this was a difficult decision for our coaches with so many worthy players in our teams!! Congratulations to […]
CenCal Cosmos Merchandise
CenCal Cosmos merchandise is now available! Click here to view our merchandise. Please contact Secretary, Taryn, at for purchase inquiries.